11Feb 2013
COTANCE calls on the European Commission not to delay the procedures for regulating at EU level the use of leather terms and the labelling including origin of leather products within the current legislature
The COTANCE Council met on February 18, 2013 in B...
18Oct 2012
The COTANCE Presidency meets Industry Commissioner and Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani
On July 30, 2012, Industry Commissioner and Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani received in Brussels the recently elected COTANCE President Rino Mastrotto....
11Oct 2012
COTANCE launches its Permanent Leather Promotion CampaignThat’s Life, That’s Leather!
After offering in Shanghai the licensing of its Campaign material free of charge in the newly established Executive Committee of ICT, COTANCE decided, in its Buchares...
11Oct 2012
COTANCE welcomes the results of the UNIDO Leather Panel Meeting in Shanghai on Eco-Footprinting of Leather
At its Autumn Council meeting held in Bucharest on 26 September 2012, COTANCE delegates from Italy (UNIC), Spain (ACEXPIEL), France (FFTM), Germany (...
11Dec 2011
Launch of the first European Sector Council on Education Training & Employmentin the Textile Clothing and Leather
On 6th December 2011 in Brussels was launched the first European Sectoral Council on Education Training & Employment in front of Inter...
20Sep 2011
COTANCE complains against the adoption by the EU of a penalising descriptor for Leather on Textile clothing labels
The representatives of the European Leather Industry meeting in Council in Rome regret the approval of the EU Regulation on Textile Names and...
11Jul 2011
COTANCE and ETUF:TCL kick off an ambitious joint project on transparency of the origin of hides & skins and traceability of raw materials for European tanners
The European Social Partners of the Leather industry, COTANCE and ETUF:TCL, represented by th...
11Jul 2011
COTANCE speaks up for the defence of the term "Leather" in Hong Kong
Interview at ‘What’s in a name?’
18Feb 2011
COTANCE, partner of the CELAN project
The CELAN project, co-funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission, started officially on 1 January 2011, with a duration of 24 months. The project’s principal objective is to facilitate...
20Oct 2010
TANFAST, the new technology for rapid continuous tanning and low water discharge, was awarded by Legambiente, Lombardy Region and Confindustria on November 16, 2010 in the Pirelli Ha...