• cotance@euroleather.com

A Repository for the European Leather Industry's Collective Agreements - ERICA


cloud with leatherStarted in February 2021 and ending in April 2022, the EU-sponsored Social Dialogue project ERICA was carried out by COTANCE, industriAll-Europe and 7 EU leather national  associations (see hereunder).

30.000 words - 7 countries  - 26 searchable topics

Its main output is an on-line Repository gathering the national Collective Agreements of the European leather sector.

The public area, accessible to everybody without restrictions, provides general information related to the various Collective Agreements, both in their original language and in English, as well as other useful Social Dialogue intelligence.

A private area, accessible only to the project partners, hosts a searchable database allowing comparative analysis and providing elements of discussion that will be more widely disseminated via the news section.


A brochure developed to present the social achievements of the European leather industry may be downloaded in several languages:


- ERICA_deutsch

- ERICA_espanol

- ERICA_francais

- ERICA_italiano

- ERICA_magyar

- ERICA_portugues

- ERICA_svenska



Further useful information on Collective Agreements may also be found on the following websites:

Project reference: VS/2021/0013
Coordinator: COTANCE / Co-coordinator: industriAll European trade union

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This project has received funding from the European Union. Sole responsability lies within the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.