Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community
The Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community (COTANCE) is the representative body of the European Leather Industry. Based in Brussels, it is a non-profit organization established in order to promote the interests of the European tanning industry at international level. Apart from representing European tanners and dressers, it also has the mission of promoting European leather both in the European and international markets.
COTANCE is the only qualified interlocutor representing the views of the European Tanning Industry. It has gained a wide recognition both internally and externally as the reference body for the European leather industry.
COTANCE's activities and policies focus on promoting the sustainable development of the European tanning industry.
The political drive of COTANCE comes from its Presidency. It is composed of a President and three Vice-Presidents elected from among well known European tanners for a two year period.
Apart from representing the leather producing industry at European and international level in front of EU and UN institution and bodies, COTANCE develops active coordination policies in the areas of environmental performance, social accountability, corporate social responsibility, R&D+I as well as education & training and image & communication.
COTANCE is a member of ICT, the International Council of Tanners and participates in GLCC, the Global Leather Cooperation Committee gathering the 3 international organisations of the leather industry ICT (Leather), ICHSLTA (Hides & Skins), IULTCS (Chemicals & Technology Suppliers).
Contact/Secretary General: Mr Gustavo Gonzalez-Quijano