• cotance@euroleather.com

Cookies Policy

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1 Cookies - Our websites or social media channels may use tracking techniques such as cookies for collecting technical information about your use for the purpose of improving and tailoring their content and making it more user-friendly.

Cookies are stored on your computer and enable us to track your computer’s use of the website and, for registered users, to manage their access to specific content.
It is possible for you to disable or delete cookies within your specific browser options, although this may impair your use of the website or will require you to resubmit your credentials to access member’s or subscriber’s content.

2 Social media privacy policies - When interacting with our social media channels (Twitter, Facebook) your consent and personal data use are covered by the terms and conditions and privacy policies of each of these social media platforms.

3. Third parties websites and social media - Our website (s), social media channels and electronic communication tools may also contain links to websites or social media channels of third parties. These links are provided for your information and convenience only. COTANCE does not endorse, approve or take any responsibility for the websites or social media channels which we provide links to. We also does not endorse, approve or take any responsibility for their availability, performance, content or for the use of such websites or social media channels or any information contained therein.

COTANCE’s data privacy policy applies only to COTANCE’s databases, website(s), and electronic communication media and not to any other websites or media that you would access by hyperlink from our website (s) or our social media. When you leave our website by linking to another site or through social media, you should read the privacy policy, if any, provided by such website or media.


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