• cotance@euroleather.com

<March 11, 2019> - In the last few years, several new initiatives have gained ground in the leather industry, sometimes overlapping but mostly strengthening each other. COTANCE and Leather Naturally will intensify their collaboration for the benefit of the Leather industry and to promote the uniqueness of Leather as a sustainable material.

'COTANCE acknowledges the need for a Global campaign that promotes Leather as a material, independently of the producing country or operator, and recommends the sector’s operators to support the initiative developed by Leather Naturally’ adds Gustavo Gonzalez-Quijano, Secretary General of COTANCE.  

'Leather Naturally acknowledges the importance and the value of the existing network of the sectors’ Trade Associations and Societies at national, regional and international level in embodying the good governance structure of the Leather industry and recommends the Leather industry’s operators to join them and support them’ commented Egbert Dikkers who is the Chair of Leather Naturally.


Leather Naturally is currently crowdfunding for a global Leather promotion campaign targeted on the new generations. The objective of this campaign is to create a state-of-the-art multimedia platform to promote Leather as fashion item to targeted young generations in order to stimulate the Leather consumption. The first part of the project will last one year but aiming to continue for a total period of 5 years.


LN1About Leather Naturally
Leather Naturally promotes the use of globally-manufactured sustainable leather and seeks to inspire and inform designers, creators, and consumers about its beauty, quality and versatility. Leather Naturally’s members are tanneries, leather chemical manufacturers, machine manufacturers, service providers and brands.


cotanlogAbout COTANCE
The Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the European Community (COTANCE) is the representative body of the European Leather Industry. Gathering almost all leather producers associations of the EU, connecting over 95% of European tanneries, it is an umbrella organisation with a Secretariat in Brussels and member associations in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, UK. COTANCE is a non-profit organization established in order to promote the interests of the European tanning industry at international level. Apart from representing European tanners and dressers, it also has the mission of promoting European leather both in the European and international markets.