• cotance@euroleather.com

Maria Dulceata

Maria Dulceata


General info

1 - How did you come to the leather industry?

After finishing school, I had to earn a living and to make my way in life. As a girl, I had to look for a suitable job. I chose an integrated factory, where leather, shoes, hand bags, sports items were manufactured. Of all these, I chose the finishing department of the tannery. Here, I could colour leather, making different beautiful but sustainable finishes, and I could see it made into articles in other departments of the factory.

2 – What job are you performing in the leather industry?

Leather finisher. I reproduce colour samples, select materials and coordinate the leather finishing department.

3 - What qualification or training did you do to be there?

All training courses were provided during my employment.

4 - What do you (most) appreciate in your job?

The outcome of finishing gives me great satisfaction. The leather is refined. It has a uniform colour, a certain gloss or touch as appropriate, a uniformity of the surface, which are part of your soul and effort put in during its manufacture.

When I have to make a new batch, after having checked to see whether I have all the necessary materials, it is almost like it talks to me.

  • What (s)he says about the job:
  • When I have to make a new batch, after having checked to see whether I have all the necessary materials, it is almost like it talks to me.
  • Works at:
  • Taro Industry SRL
  • Job:
  • Finishing operator

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