• cotance@euroleather.com


In 2017-2018, European Social Partners, COTANCE and industriAll-European Trade Union, carried out the Due Diligence for Healthy Workplaces in the Tanning Industry in the framework of the EU support Programme for the Social Dialogue.

With the cooperation of UNIC (Italy), VDL (Germany), ACEXPIEL (Spain), FFTM (France), UKLF (UK), APPBR (Romania) and SG (Sweden), they:
- conducted a EU survey on current practices for the identification and reporting of concerns regarding workplace health & safety conditions in tanneries along the leather value chain,
- and updated the OiRA on-line Risk Assessment tool  of the tanning sector.


Survey Report

The survey report carried out under the EU-sponsored Due Diligence for Healthy Workplaces in the Tanning Industry can be downloaded in 7 languages:

- Due Diligence in Tanneries - Report.pdf
- Due Diligence Industria Conciaria - Relazione.pdf
- Devoir de Precaution Tanneries - Rapport.pdf
- Auditoria Industria Curtido - Informe.pdf
- Due Diligence Lederindustrie - Bericht.pdf
- Diligencia Devida Industria Curtumes - Relatorio.pdf
- Demersuri necesare Industria Pielariei - Raport.pdf

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This project has received funding from the European Union. Sole responsability lies within the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.