• cotance@euroleather.com

COTANCE meets in Pompeii 

COTANCE’s 2009 Assembly General and Council took place on June 5 in Pompeii, at the site’s “Auditorium degli Scavi”. The encounter offered  the opportunity to visit the ancient Roman tannery in the archaeological site that was recently restored thanks to UNIC (Unione Nazionale Industria Conciaria), COTANCE’s Italian member.

ancient tannery
AG 2009

Representatives of 12 national Leather Trade Associations responded to the convocation of COTANCE President, Nalle Johansson (ELMO, Sweden).
The agenda included the unprecedented crisis that is hitting the sector and the strategies that need to be adopted for its economic recovery, including recent and future European regulations, notably in the area of the protection of the environment, as well as their impact on the sector’s companies.

Furthermore, the Pompeii Summit of the European Leather Industry’s umbrella organisation hosted two key events of two EU projects developed by COTANCE:

  • The “SEETAL Brunch” where the Leather Trade Organisations of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia, beneficiaries of the COTANCE-EURATEX led project, had the opportunity to exchange and interact with their counterparts of the rest of Europe, experiencing live how the governance of the Leather sector is actually managed;
  • The solemn signature of the European Framework Agreement on Social and Environmental Reporting adopted by COTANCE and ETUF:TCL, the sector’s Social Partners at EU level, in presence of Mr Jean-Paul Tricart, Head of Unit in the European Commission in charge of Social Dialogue.   

SSIP, Stazione Sperimentale dell’industria delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti, the renowned Italian research centre with headquarters in Naples kindly provided its contribution to the organisation of, and arrangements for these events. SSIP, founded in 1885 is a key reference in the Italian and global Leather Industry for its authoritative research. Equipped with the latest laboratory test instruments, including SEM, it is one of the pillars of GERIC, the network of European Leather Technology Centres coordinated by COTANCE.