Presented in the successful Final Event held on 1st December, the Leather: Social and Environmental Report 2020 is now available.
European Leather Industry - Social and Environmental Report 2020 - EN
Industrie Europeenne du Cuir - Rapport Social et Environnemental 2020 - FR
Industria Conciaria Europea - Rapporto socio-ambientale 2020 - IT
Industria Europea del Curtido - Informe Social y Medioambiental 2020 - ES
Europaische Lederindustrie - Sozial- und Unweltbericht 2020 - DE
A Industria de Curtumes Europeia - Relatorio Social e Ambiental 2020 - PT
Industria Europeana de Pielarie - Raport Social si de Mediu 2020 - RO
Europai Boripar - Tarsadalmi es kornyezetvedelmi Jelentes az Europai Boriparrol 2020 - HU
Laderindustrin i Europa - Social- och Miljorapport 2020 - SE
The SER videos can be found, with subtitles, on our Youtube channel